“I can wholeheartedly recommend this new top-of-the-range ski service!”
The Carver at The Third Space Medical is an innovative tool for assessing and training people in skiing techniques
As a knee surgeon, I see numerous patients with knee injuries, many of whom are post-op, having previously had knee surgery, and many people are really keen to return to skiing. It’s one thing to assess someone’s strength and function in a gym, but until now it’s been impossible to assess their ability to ski safely off the slope.
The Carver now provides an uncannily realistic opportunity for people to practice repeated dynamic ski turns, to assess whether they are ready to return to the slopes without the ‘just give it your best shot’ approach we so often see.
Even for people with no knee injuries who just want to get into shape and who want to reduce the risk of potential injury, The Carver now offers a unique platform for getting into shape doing exactly the correct manoeuvres and training in preparation for skiing — and all under the direct supervision of the expert specialist physiotherapists from The Third Space Medical.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this new top-of-the-range ski service!